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Join Our Team
Join the IMBL Team
The IMBL team is always looking for highly creative, self-driven scientists and engineers. Given the multidisciplinary nature of our research, applicants with a broad spectrum of backgrounds and skills are considered. If you have a strong work ethic and interest in pushing the scientific frontiers of materials engineering and immunobiology, we encourage you to apply.
Graduate Students
We are now accepting applications for dynamic, innovative and hardworking graduate students. Interested candidates should email a letter of interest, CV, unofficial transcripts and research interests to Professor Lewis.
Undergraduate Students
We are now accepting applications from self-motivated and creative undergraduate students. The immuno-modulatory biomaterials lab is an excellent environment to learn how to do research. Undergraduates work closely with the PI and a graduate student mentor on various projects. Performing undergraduate research in the Lewis Laboratory will give you a competitive edge on your peers, as you enter the next phase of your career. Students are expected to have and maintain a 3.25 GPA, be at least a sophomore at UF, and commit to a minimum of at least 10 hours/ week. Interested candidates should email a letter of interest, unofficial transcript and resume to Professor Lewis.
Visiting Scholars
We also welcome applications from funded scholars who are interested in the interplay between materials and immunology, and harnessing that relationship for positive therapeutic outcomes. Qualified candidates should email a single PDF file containing a letter of interest, CV and statement of research interests to Dr. Jamal Lewis.
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