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Immuno-Modulatory Biomaterial Laboratory


Welcome to the Immuno-modulatory Biomaterials Laboratory (IMBL) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida, directed by Associate Professor Jamal S. Lewis.


The Immuno-modulatory Biomaterials Laboratory focuses on the development of novel biomaterial systems that can manipulate the immune system. Our goal is to design the next generation of immunotherapeutics for applications in immune-related diseases. This multidisciplinary work incorporates aspects of biomaterials engineering, drug delivery, immunology, biochemistry and cell biology.


Currently, research efforts in the Lewis lab are centered on:


  • Development of a particulate platform system for autoimmune disease therapy​


  • Elucidating latent, Immunosuppressive Nature of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Microparticles


  • Understanding controlled non-lytic exocytosis in phagocytic cells


  • Uncovering the role of dendritic cells in the foreign body response to materials



"The immune system is at the center of physiological homeostasis and pathology. As such, it is critical we not only understand the immune system, but, devise systems to harness and exploit it's power."

- Dr. Jamal Lewis

IMBL at Work


@2024 by IMBL


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